by dredwardthalheimer | Dec 18, 2019 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Mentoring
Businesses and companies today increasingly prefer adopting mentorship as a way of growing and nurturing talent internally. When properly managed, mentorship enables companies to retain most of their staff while also increasing workers’ competency and career...
by dredwardthalheimer | Nov 19, 2019 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Mentoring
Those who mentor youths can help them improve academic performance, gain structure, and potentially identify possible career options. Good mentors might help the young people under their tutelage attain these goals by engaging in activities such as: Planning Exercises...
by dredwardthalheimer | Oct 21, 2019 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Leadership
Obtaining leadership skills can be crucial to an individual’s personal, social, and professional development. Though such attributes are often learned as one grows older, absorbing such acumen at a younger age might set such persons up for earlier success. Those...
by dredwardthalheimer | Sep 17, 2019 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Leadership
Giving useful feedback in the workplace can be an extremely daunting task—even for those who have no qualms with confrontation. There is no amount of communication classes in the world that can prepare you for exactly how someone might react to what they perceive as...
by dredwardthalheimer | Sep 5, 2019 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Mentoring
As many as 1 in 3 children, they will grow up without any type of mentor in their life. Mentors help to guarantee that young people will have someone there to care for them and allow them to know they are there and not alone. Having a mentor lets the younger...